Return to Point Standings

2020 Points Standings

Driver # Total 11/7/20 9/26/20 8/1/20 6/6/20 3/7/20
1 Christopher Tullis 12 210 48 50 22 50 40
2 Jake Garcia 35 198 50 50 48 50
3 Kyle Plott 4p 180 42 44 38 40 16
4 Gage Rodgers 1 154 40 36 12 30 36
5 Justin Caton 7 136 32 24 26 16 38
6 Justin Bonnett 12b 126 38 46 42
7 Jordan McCallum 11m 122 30 34 12 46
8 Perry Patino 51 118 24 46 48
9 Jim Wall 91 116 44 30 42
10 Jeff Dawkins 2 116 26 22 30 20 18
11 Hunter Wright 22 108 34 42 10 22
12 John Bolen 2 106 26 36 34 10
13 Colin Allmon 67 102 40 44 18
14 Jason Furrow 21F 91 5 38 18 10 20
15 Chris Davidson 14 76 46 20 10
16 Hudson Halder 20h 76 48 28
17 Bobby Reuse 88 76 20 34 22
18 Grant Thompson 112 70 32 38
19 Jolynn Wilkinson 11 66 32 34
20 Jackson Boone 7 48 48
21 Jett Noland 81 46 46
22 Gio Bromante 81 44 44
23 Willie Allen 26 44 44
24 Stacy Crain 11 42 28 14
25 Ryan Herbert 21h 42 42
26 Dakota Stroupe 43 40 40
27 Brandon Curren 0 38 28 10
28 Billy Melvin 59 38 28 10
29 Jake Finch 81 36 36
30 Daniel Dye 43 36 36
31 Justin South 43 34 10 24
32 Kason Plott 44 32 32
33 Joe Hudson 87 32 32
34 Chase Johnson 20 31 26 5
35 Gary Sanford Jr. 18 30 30
36 Jake Griffin 88 28 28
37 Augie Grill 112 26 26
38 Elliott Massey 4m 24 24
39 Jim Weber 3 24 14 10
40 Brandon Brilliant 12 24 24
41 Bill Bethea III 20 20 10 10
42 Chuck Tuck 17 18 18
43 Jarett Parker 46 16 16
44 Harrison Halder 9 14 14
45 Mason Keller 29 12 12
46 Logan Nalley 5 10 10
47 Ryan Paul 18 10 10
48 Rafe Slate 8 10 10
49 Hunter Byrd 4 5 5
Blacksheep Woodlands Late Model Sportsman
Driver # Total 9/26/20 8/15/20 7/18/20#2 7/18/20 #1 6/20/20 5/23/20
1 Roger Reuse 88 242 48 50 48 48 48
2 Frank Sears 90 242 36 38 42 42 42 42
3 Mike Fields 21 222 38 42 46 46 50
4 Tim Lynn 80 198 32 44 40 38 44
5 Mark Singleton 45 196 50 48 48 50
7 Joel Collier 71 178 44 46 44 44
6 Joe Hudson 87 141 50 5 40 0 46
8 Justin Caton 7 96 46 50
9 Marty Catrett 99 86 40 46
10 Anthony Lilla 22 78 42 36
11 Gary Sanford Jr. 18 44 44
12 Ryan Reuse 89 40 40
13 Wesley Shufert 21 34 34
Driver # Total 11/7/20 8/15/20 8/1/20 7/18/2020 2 7/18/2020 1 6/20/20 6/6/20 5/23/20
1 Charles Davis 6 380 32 50 50 48 50 50 50 50
2 JC Cleckler 5 378 50 48 48 46 46 44 48 48
3 Daniel Jacks 1 374 46 46 46 50 48 46 46 46
4 Kameron Wesenberg 32 342 48 44 44 40 38 40 44 44
5 Kevin Seamon 58 322 38 34 38 44 44 42 40 42
6 Drew Murchinson 68 266 34 36 36 38 42 38 42
7 Davey Lynn 80G 201 5 42 42 40 34 38
8 Keith Grace 81 122 40 42 40
9 Will Smith 7 88 38 5 5 40
10 Chance Atkins 17 84 44 40
11 Dewayne Wesenberg 31 48 48
12 Austin Evans 4 42 42
13 Wesley Schuffert 15 36 36
14 Hayden Freeman 21 36 36
15 Wayne Shell 1 32 32
Pro 4’s
Driver # Total 8/15/20 7/18/2020 #2 7/18/2020 #1 7/11/20 6/6/20 5/23/20
1 Eddie Dodd 81 292 50 44 48 50 50 50
2 Josh McElhone 21 268 46 42 42 46 46 46
3 Dustin Knowles 64 182 44 46 44 48
4 Bobby Reuse 7 138 48 46 44
5 Wesley Davis 85 100 50 50
6 Dewayne Vintson 88 92 44 48
7 Rusty Alverson 7 48 48
8 Calvin  Lewis 85 48 0 48
9 Jeremy Davis 85 42 42
Driver # Total 8/15/20 6/20/20
1 Max Nelson 9 100 50 50
2 Austin Reeves 6 94 48 46
3 Tim Peters 1 84 40 44
4 Bubba Deaton 55 48 48
5 Aubry Glass 70 46 46
6 Joe Chandler 5 44 44
7 James  Bunce 13 42 42
8 Charles Gardner 0 42 42
9 Charles Ellis 28 38 38
Driver Car # TOTAL 12/4/20 9/12/20 8/1/20 7/17/20 6/20/20 6/19/20 3/7/20
1 Kyle Purvis 13 284 44 50 50 42 48 50
2 Scooter Bates 12b 254 12 46 46 40 38 34 38
3 Jeff Letson 131 244 14 48 36 50 46 50
4 Augie Grill 112 192 10 42 50 44 46
5 Jim Wall 91 170 48 44 36 42
6 Parker Pugh 7 142 10 30 40 38 24
7 Blake Ferguson 7 133 28 38 32 30 5
8 Korey Ruble 66 132 38 46 48
9 Barry Martin 68 112 36 32 44
10 Lance Blacker 36 102 38 34 30
11 Cody Stickler 42 94 46 48
12 Matt Martin 168 94 40 36 18
13 Donald Crocker 5 86 46 40
14 Chris Cotto 17 68 30 38
15 Johnny Walker 72 60 40 20
16 Donnie Hamrac 8 60 20 40
17 Austin Evans 19 60 16 44
18 Kevin Peel 18 58 36 22
19 Derrick Griffin 95 50 50
20 Casey Smith 99 48 48
21 Zach Knowles 51 48 48
22 Doug Moff 46 46 18 28
23 Keith Joiner 17 46 30 16
24 Greg Krom 35 44 44
25 Bruce Bennett 24 44 44
26 William Skaggs 71 42 42
27 Jacob Permenter 71 42 42
28 Johnny Brazier 71 42 42
29 Richie Smith 42 42 42
30 Will Mack 12M 40 40
31 Rocky Rogers 41 36 36
32 Jaxon Bishop 2 34 34
33 Chase Oliver 5 34 34
34 Cale Finley 36 34 34
35 Tim Moore 15 32 32
36 Steve Gill 45 32 32
37 Robert Walton 10 32 32
38 Larry Hughes 88 31 26 5
39 Justice Evans 48 28 28
40 Ty Roberts 50 26 26
41 Bill Prietzel 1 24 24
42 Jordan Key 0 22 22
43 Dustin Knowles 64 14 14
44 Jeff Ganus 5g 10 10
45 Ander Jackson 91J 10 10
46 Johnny Wall 91w 10 10
47 Matt Maurer 4x 10 10
48 Jeremy Gerstner 70 10 10
49 Billy Melvin 145 10 10
50 Gary Sanford Jr. 5s 10 10
51 Nick Martin 88 5 5
52 Todd Jones 10 5 5
53 Joe Thornton 7 5 5
Driver # Total 11/7/20 9/26/20 8/1/20 6/6/20 3/7/20
1 Christopher Tullis 12 210 48 50 22 50 40
2 Jake Garcia 35 198 50 50 48 50
3 Kyle Plott 4p 180 42 44 38 40 16
4 Gage Rodgers 1 154 40 36 12 30 36
5 Justin Caton 7 136 32 24 26 16 38
6 Justin Bonnett 12b 126 38 46 42
7 Jordan McCallum 11m 122 30 34 12 46
8 Perry Patino 51 118 24 46 48
9 Jim Wall 91 116 44 30 42
10 Jeff Dawkins 2 116 26 22 30 20 18
11 Hunter Wright 22 108 34 42 10 22
12 John Bolen 2 106 26 36 34 10
13 Jason Furrow 21F 91 5 38 18 10 20
14 Colin Allmon 67 84 40 44
15 Chris Davidson 14 76 46 20 10
16 Hudson Halder 20h 76 48 28
17 Bobby Reuse 88 76 20 34 22
18 Grant Thompson 112 70 32 38
19 Jolynn Wilkinson 11 66 32 34
20 Jackson Boone 7 48 48
21 Jett Noland 81 46 46
22 Gio Bromante 81 44 44
23 Willie Allen 26 44 44
24 Stacy Crain 11 42 28 14
25 Ryan Herbert 21h 42 42
26 Dakota Stroupe 43 40 40
27 Brandon Curren 0 38 28 10
28 Billy Melvin 59 38 28 10
29 Jake Finch 81 36 36
30 Daniel Dye 43 36 36
31 Justin South 43 34 10 24
32 Kason Plott 44 32 32
33 Joe Hudson 87 32 32
34 Chase Johnson 20 31 26 5
35 Gary Sanford Jr. 18 30 30
36 Jake Griffin 88 28 28
37 Augie Grill 112 26 26
38 Elliott Massey 4m 24 24
39 Jim Weber 3 24 14 10
40 Brandon Brilliant 12 24 24
42 Bill Bethea III 20 20 10 10
43 Chuck Tuck 17 18 18
44 Colin Allman 67 18 18
45 Jarett Parker 46 16 16
46 Harrison Halder 9 14 14
47 Mason Keller 29 12 12
48 Logan Nalley 5 10 10
49 Ryan Paul 18 10 10
50 Rafe Slate 8 10 10
51 Hunter Byrd 4 5 5
Blacksheep Woodlands Late Model Sportsman
Driver # Total 9/26/20 8/15/20 7/18/20#2 7/18/20 #1 6/20/20 5/23/20
1 Roger Reuse 88 242 48 50 48 48 48
2 Frank Sears 90 242 36 38 42 42 42 42
3 Mike Fields 21 222 38 42 46 46 50
4 Tim Lynn 80 198 32 44 40 38 44
5 Mark Singleton 45 196 50 48 48 50
7 Joel Collier 71 178 44 46 44 44
6 Joe Hudson 87 141 50 5 40 0 46
8 Justin Caton 7 96 46 50
9 Marty Catrett 99 86 40 46
10 Anthony Lilla 22 78 42 36
11 Gary Sanford Jr. 18 44 44
12 Ryan Reuse 89 40 40
13 Wesley Shufert 21 34 34
Driver # Total 11/7/20 8/15/20 8/1/20 7/18/2020 2 7/18/2020 1 6/20/20 6/6/20 5/23/20
1 Charles Davis 6 380 32 50 50 48 50 50 50 50
2 JC Cleckler 5 378 50 48 48 46 46 44 48 48
3 Daniel Jacks 1 374 46 46 46 50 48 46 46 46
4 Kameron Wesenberg 32 342 48 44 44 40 38 40 44 44
5 Kevin Seamon 58 322 38 34 38 44 44 42 40 42
6 Drew Murchinson 68 266 34 36 36 38 42 38 42
7 Davey Lynn 80G 201 5 42 42 40 34 38
8 Keith Grace 81 122 40 42 40
9 Will Smith 7 88 38 5 5 40
10 Chance Atkins 17 84 44 40
11 Dewayne Wesenberg 31 48 48
12 Austin Evans 4 42 42
13 Wesley Schuffert 15 36 36
14 Hayden Freeman 21 36 36
15 Wayne Shell 1 32 32
Pro 4’s
Driver # Total 8/15/20 7/18/2020 #2 7/18/2020 #1 7/11/20 6/6/20 5/23/20
1 Eddie Dodd 81 292 50 44 48 50 50 50
2 Josh McElhone 21 268 46 42 42 46 46 46
3 Dustin Knowles 64 182 44 46 44 48
4 Bobby Reuse 7 138 48 46 44
5 Wesley Davis 85 100 50 50
6 Dewayne Vintson 88 92 44 48
7 Rusty Alverson 7 48 48
8 Calvin  Lewis 85 48 0 48
9 Jeremy Davis 85 42 42
Driver # Total 8/15/20 6/20/20
1 Max Nelson 9 100 50 50
2 Austin Reeves 6 94 48 46
3 Bubba Deaton 55 48 48
4 Aubry Glass 70 46 46
5 Joe Chandler 5 44 44
6 Tim Peters 1 44 44
7 James  Bunce 13 42 42
8 Charles Gardner 0 42 42
9 Timothy Peters 1 40 40
10 Charles Ellis 28 38 38
Driver Car # TOTAL 12/4/20 9/12/20 8/1/20 7/17/20 6/20/20 6/19/20 3/7/20
1 Kyle Purvis 13 284 44 50 50 42 48 50
2 Scooter Bates 12b 254 12 46 46 40 38 34 38
3 Jeff Letson 131 244 14 48 36 50 46 50
4 Augie Grill 112 192 10 42 50 44 46
5 Jim Wall 91 170 48 44 36 42
6 Parker Pugh 7 142 10 30 40 38 24
7 Blake Ferguson 7 133 28 38 32 30 5
8 Korey Ruble 66 132 38 46 48
9 Barry Martin 68 112 36 32 44
10 Lance Blacker 36 102 38 34 30
11 Cody Stickler 42 94 46 48
12 Matt Martin 168 94 40 36 18
13 Donald Crocker 5 86 46 40
14 Chris Cotto 17 68 30 38
15 Johnny Walker 72 60 40 20
16 Donnie Hamrac 8 60 20 40
17 Austin Evans 19 60 16 44
18 Kevin Peel 18 58 36 22
19 Derrick Griffin 95 50 50
20 Casey Smith 99 48 48
21 Zach Knowles 51 48 48
22 Doug Moff 46 46 18 28
23 Keith Joiner 17 46 30 16
24 Greg Krom 35 44 44
25 Bruce Bennett 24 44 44
26 William Skaggs 71 42 42
27 Jacob Permenter 71 42 42
28 Johnny Brazier 71 42 42
29 Richie Smith 42 42 42
30 Will Mack 12M 40 40
31 Rocky Rogers 41 36 36
32 Jaxon Bishop 2 34 34
33 Chase Oliver 5 34 34
34 Cale Finley 36 34 34
35 Tim Moore 15 32 32
36 Steve Gill 45 32 32
37 Robert Walton 10 32 32
38 Larry Hughes 88 31 26 5
39 Justice Evans 48 28 28
40 Ty Roberts 50 26 26
41 Bill Prietzel 1 24 24
42 Jordan Key 0 22 22
43 Dustin Knowles 64 14 14
44 Jeff Ganus 5g 10 10
45 Ander Jackson 91J 10 10
46 Johnny Wall 91w 10 10
47 Matt Maurer 4x 10 10
48 Jeremy Gerstner 70 10 10
49 Billy Melvin 145 10 10
50 Gary Sanford Jr. 5s 10 10
51 Nick Martin 88 5 5
52 Todd Jones 10 5 5
53 Joe Thornton 7 5 5

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